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Create a safe and healthy environment for you and your family and keep allergies under control with the Dyson Humidify+Cool Auto React air purifier and humidifier, which includes advanced technology and an effective filtration system. The device automatically controls the environment and purifies, humidifies or cools the air according to your needs. In addition, you can control the device using a convenient remote control. Dual functionality: You can enjoy air purification all year round. A humidifying mist helps with the dry winter months, while fast-moving air keeps you cool in the summer. Climate control: The device automatically controls the environment, temperature and humidity. It also detects harmful gases and particles and generates a real-time data report. Ultraviolet Cleanse technology: Thanks to Ultraviolet Cleanse technology, the device hygienically removes up to 99.9% of bacteria in water. Air Multiplier Technology: This convenient air circulation technology evenly and effectively distributes purified and humidified air throughout the room. Filtration System: Your home is no longer affected by pollen, gases and harmful particles. HEPA filter and activated carbon filtration remove up to 99.5% of particulate matter, ensuring a safe environment for you and your family. Deep Clean Program: At the touch of a button, you can activate the Deep Clean function, which guides you through the cleaning process step by step. Night Mode: To avoid disturbing your sleep, the device dims the screen and switches to a quieter mode, but still continues to clean, humidify and cool the room. Distributed mode: The device directs the air flow behind it, humidifies and purifies the air without cooling you. Wind mode: Thanks to an advanced algorithm, the device simulates a fresh and cool wind wave. Remote Control: Control the combination device with a convenient remote control. Its curved body is magnetic, meaning you can hold the remote control on top of the device.

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